Monday, July 13, 2009

Hermosa Highlands Closed?

Well folks looks like anyone who bought Hermosa highlands in Costa Rica is NOT going to have a dream condo or home. Mark Ott Ceo, has not lived up to any of his promises also being that he has never developed any type of development in his life it was bound to happen. CRDC is part of the BS as well he spent alot of time and money on marketing, billboards, fancy web pages to get "leads". Then hammer people into buying property with him and stepping on any body who got in the way. He is a professional phone scam artist who has been at this since a teenager and spent some time in jail for it as well. After being scammed myself on a "condo" with a condo well into default i find myself paying attorneys to help with this matter. Also i have been in Costa Rica doing the ground work to find out who he really is. Turns out even ex employees of mark are owed money, engineers are owed money, designers, basically who ever has worked with mark is owed money. After speaking to a number of people in San Jose and the jaco area turns out hes a real scumbag. Racing people up and down the mountain almost crashing his "stolen dodge" that a whole another story, to make the drive seem close to the beach. Working in other real estate offices as a mole to steal information, which did get him beat up. Trying to bribe local officials in the jaco area for permits to build the list goes on and on. Mark Ott has been living in a hotel in the escazu area for years making it very easy for him to bail out of the country should things get to tight. Also he can not finance a home because his credit is shot to hell from so many bankruptcy's. I cant believe i and the rest of us fell for this i find myself getting phone calls from some guy asking for the rest of the money on the condo. Jim or something like that you have to be kidding nothing has been built i was suppose to start payments AFTER MY CONDO WAS DONE! Here iam with nothing and they have the balls to ask me to finish payment. I would like for hermosa highlands to finish my refund.
I found out that Ms. Ott has filed for a divorce as she has found love with her trainer at the gym. Being that she has always controlled the money in that relationship mark has to move into another hotel 30-40 bucks a night. Not the 700 a week penthouse that we have been paying for. I hear that she takes money around 15k a month to do as she pleases. The problem with this is MO claims that he can not pay any money on the defaulted contracts. He is broke! As now the ex wife controls all of the money from hermosa highlands. So what does mark do? Well whats a ott with out another way to scam money the hermosa office is selling re-morgages as a means to pay the bills. Ive spent alot of money and time tracking down people ex workers and sent time speaking with clients to try and figure this thing out.
I am really pissed off. This guy has stolen millions and millions of dollars and hes not in jail? Why? Ive been to the office and Mr. Ott will not talk he hides in his office and there he stays. He cant even go to the mall without having the security at his office hold his hand. Even at legal hearing he sends his little lawyers to do the talking which iam sure they are owed money as well. ALSO VILLAS ALTAS,CERRO FRESCO,HIGHLAND ESTATES ARE THE SAME all the same. Projects that will never be built just like hermosa highlands mark uses different names to sell the same project!!!
Glad the wife left his sorry ass i hope he hangs himself from a hermosa palm tree on the beach. I wish we could stone him like they do in other third world countries.
Clients need to make a move find legal help you can email i can give you the information for my lawyer who is very good speaks English and knows this case inside and out.
Or visit the office yourselves
Atrium Corprate Center
100 meters south of cinemark mulitplaza
escazu, costa rica.
or call 800-729-5212


  1. It is clear that the sponsors of this blog, as well as the vast majority of those posing as clients of Hermosa Highlands are misrepresenting their identities here. They are conspiring to damage the reputation of Hermosa Highlands for monetary gain through the solicitation of legal fees and commissions for their effort.

    A confidential client list belonging to Hermosa Highlands has been used without permission to bring our valued customers to this blog.

    It’s unlikely that a client would deliberately damage their own equity positions by attacking Hermosa Highlands, in which they have invested.

    Through the most severe economic downturn of our lifetime, this company continues to operate and perform every day on behalf of our customers, overcoming major challenges that many of our peers have not been able to survive. The delay in delivery of Hermosa Highlands properties is not unique to this development company; almost every project within Costa Rica, and many in the US and Canada, have seen delays. In most cases, they face continued delays, due to the financial contraction of commercial lenders across the globe.

    It is also important to mention that because Hermosa Highlands took no shortcuts in its permitting process, our permits took longer to obtain. Across Costa Rica there are numerous projects that went ahead before having all their permits in place and unimpeachable; they have been shut down and many will never be completed. Hermosa Highlands made a commitment to our customers to complete all environmental and permitting requirements, and has not wavered from that commitment. Our customers will benefit from its adherence to that strict policy.

    The negative and often inaccurate comments about Hermosa Highlands and its personnel that are found here constitute a direct assault against the investments of Hermosa Highlands’ customers. The unscrupulous persons leading this activity have no concern for your return on investment or principle value.

    Don’t be misled by these persons and their negative statements. An investigation is underway, involving the hosts of these blogs and their participants. It is one thing to express an opinion or state a fact; however it is illegal to misrepresent or distort facts for the purpose of inflicting commercial harm. Statements on these blogs have been designed to mislead customers and prospective clients, and to undermine and harm the reputation of Hermosa Highlands and our team. The investigation that is under way will be comprehensive and we intend to prosecute to the fullest extent allowed under applicable jurisdictions.

    If you have been emailed, called or spammed by unsolicited persons or by a company seeking to deliver negative statements about Hermosa Highlands to you, then we invite you to contact our legal team directly. Additionally, if you were given a presentation that defamed this company’s name and then – or later – you were shown a competitors project in the recent past by these same persons, your information could be valuable. There will not be a need to name you in the prosecutorial documents, and you can remain anonymous if you prefer.
    By assisting in this investigation, you can help protect your investment. All Hermosa Highlands personnel take tremendous pride in their dedication to our clientele. They remain completely committed to bringing this exemplary project to fruition for the benefit of every client and his/her family. The CEO of the company continues to work without respite to see the entire project through to completion and its full potential, with full and complete observance of all construction, contractual, and environmental mandates.

    This will be our only participation in this space. Again, to assist in pursuit of the persons in question who have defamed Hermosa Highlands and sought to damage the value of your investment, please call us direct at 800-729-5212.

    Mark Ott,


    Hermosa Highlands SA.

  2. Nice double talk... they teach you use big words and slick sentences in the joint? There's not much of a chance that if you couldn't put in the infrastructure and get this thing rolling when the money was rolling that you'll EVER get it done now!

    Sounds an awful lot like the whole Paragon caper! Promises that mean NOTHING and threats of legal action against those that dare speak out!

    Let "the investigation" begin.... with you first!

    Perhaps the folks that gave you their hard earned money should instead be going after you? Class action perhaps?

  3. Nice job blowing smoke up everyones ass....I feel sorry for the person that actually took the time to write such garbage and lies for Mark Ott and his family. Maybe instead of stealing money from innocence people, try earning an honest living. And, instead of his wife taking 15k a month, maybe she should get a heart and start paying back the people she and her family stole money from.



  4. No way on earth did the CEO of HH write that comment. Who refers to himself as "The CEO", not to mention the fact that if anyone has had a real conversation with the CEO it is abundantly evident that the level of vocabulary used is not coming from the reputed source (Not sure what I mean- Ask your ghost writer to figure it out for you.

  5. Just heard from a friend in Escazu. The large and expensive billboard in front of the Hermosa Highlands office advertising their property is gone, folks. Sign of things to come?

  6. Investigate? Can you belive the CEO crying about people talking bad about Hermosa Highlands? And what reputaion is this dick head talking about he took that company to the craper by not doing what he said he would do. And hurting equity IN WHAT their is no equity in a condo that does not exsist. People have investments in nothing why would it hurt them to say hey i got screwd I PAID FOR A CONDO 3 YEARS AGO AND HAVE NOTHING TO SHOW FOR IT!!!

  7. I have been watching this blog and others regarding Hermosa Highlands. I wanted my "piece of paradise" and was close to investing. However, I cannot, and will not, spend my hard earned money without my due diligence. I have made a contact in Escazu, Costa Rica. It seems that Hermosa Highlands, and other names they go by, is the typical Hollywood false front. All tasteless glitz and nothing behind the front gate. Even the amount of money poured into the San Jose office is ridiculous. Why not put those funds into real development? Who cares what the office looks like? Show me a condo and a couple of satisfied customers and I think no one would care if the main office is a shack. What I have learned is that even though the CEO (or whoever is writing for him) talks about hard economic times, there is plenty of money for the wife to have more plastic surgery and more public exploits well known around town. There is as much (or should I say as little) attention given to their personal reputations as is given to their business projects. I guess they have money to burn and I am not adding mine to the bonfire. Good luck.

  8. Hey guys, at some point I was very close to this project (I prefer not to go into details but trust me). The story about his wife is true, and I can add that the engineering office they had in the Atrium building, just next door to the sales office, is now closed.

    I'm really sorry for you guys that have invested in this project, and I hope it turns out well for all of you.

  9. this is a world wide crises, no matter where we would have invested in a ground floor Condo-Hotel opportuntiy we would be in the same position.

  10. I can attest to the fact that the big billboard in now gone. I just drove by their offices and could not tell if they are still open. If someone wants to know for sure post it here and I'll stop by one of these days to find out.

  11. Lets's stop whining and take action.

    Has anyone made any progress in getting funds recovered or getting combined legal action or liens in place?

  12. I understand what was written on October 1, above. However, let me ask this: How many other developers started defrauding before the current economic crisis? Is there a difference between blatant fraud and just running into hard financial staits? How many developers were imprisoned in the US for fraud then came here to do the same thing? How many development projects here have such strong ( overwhelmingly negative) reactions posted publicly? Why has not even ONE satisfied client stepped forward? How can the CEO and his wife maintain there publicly flashy and morally questionable lifestyle while their investors are being defrauded? I don't think these issues would have arisen with any other development project that just hit hard financial times. Finally, if it is just difficult financial times, why not honestly address the investors and propose some sought of a long range plan to show some honest efforts at appeasement? What other developer has a con artist history?
    Check out

  13. I get a message "Page Not Found" when I go to the above link for the October 27 link to check out.

    I agree with October 23 remark. I only see whining and no action. This blog has no emails given. The contributors with emails never return emails when questioned. These Hermosa Highland blogs and communications seem to be going no where.

  14. my understanding is that there are approximatley 85 of us that have nothing to show for our dollars in Costa Rica. where is everyone?

  15. Ok, I'll compile a list of people. Send me your names and contact info to

    What I'll do is make a list. When someone new wants to be added, they'll email their info, and I'll forward the information to everyone else on the list and add them.

    You guys then decide how to communicate with each other and take action.

  16. Sorry for your lost in CR. At one point I almost bought a from HH, but some did not feel right. I instead went with Costa Developers and I am grad we did now after reading all this. We are so happy with them that we bought a 2nd one as an investment. If you can get your money back, you might look in that direction. I now on our first trip they said you have to watch for the scam artist's and they had helped a few get the money back.

  17. Has anyone found a way to get some of our money back? Is there a lawyer that is making any progress on this?

  18. Hi everyone, I got scamed for a lot of money by Hermosa Highlands.. All of you can contact me to get this resolved. lets move forward. I have a Costa Rica attorney working on this.
    Please e-mail me at
    Lets take action and not be victims.

    1. Hey me on 305-735-8719. Thx

  19. I use to work for Mark as a salesman. He had me on salary plus commission. I worked for a few months and had a couple of deals but never connected the commission. I got fired as soon as Mark figured that I researched his background and new about his shady past. This guy is a real piece of work. He had pre-sold about 80% of his condos but never broke ground. We know that you can start building when 50% of the condos have been sold. For those who are wondering, yes he is still in San Jose. I spotted him at the Del Rey Casino just the other night. As far as investors getting their money back, it's going to be hard getting blood from a turnip. Might as well get the Turnip. The 40 million he raised is long ago spent by his lavish lifestyle. My advise to anyone who want to invest in Costa Rica Property, do not, I repeat Do Not buy pre-built. Make sure it is compleated and titled. If you need a good Lawyer or private investigator I can be contacted at . Good Luck

  20. but what happend with the properties here in CR???

  21. Well folks, that SCUMBAG MARK OTT not only scamed every single of one of his clients, but also dragged the names of actual profesionals like engineers, lawyers and sales staff into the dirt! He is back in CR, living in the Escazu area....still sending his kids to private school! The good news: His wife devorced him and started bangin' her gym-instructor! ;) I truly hope Karma proves itself to be a bitch and makes him shit his gutts out after a fine Lobster Dinner, paid with OUR money!!!! DIE SCUMBAG, DIE!!!

  22. Anyone hear any news about Mark Ott?

  23. If anyone still cares. I know where he is. I am shocked!

  24. He is in Sao Paolo Brazil. The "wife" is now doing porn:
    Want a laugh- her porn name is Victoria Highlander. There's you $. Just take a look at her and you will see where your deposits went!

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